Last night turned out a lot more eventful than I predicted. By the pool in my hostel a group of people had gathered including the Brazilian and Columbian girls who moved into the room next to me, and some people from the ground floor who were Canadian, Argentinean, and New Zealander. We all sat around until 11:45 talking (mostly about all the countries in the world where we’d been). Gabriel, the guy from Canada, reminded me a lot of my cousin Michael and it was nice to talk to him and pretend it was my family. Lol At quarter to 12 we walked down to the beach and along the strip toward the church. When we got there the service was just letting out and everyone was holding a candle and lighting VERY loud fire cracker things in the streets. There were also some fireworks. It was quite a spectacle. We also went into the church which was very ornate and watched the line of people waiting to kiss the bible. Very strange.
Gabriel and I lost the others but ran into Zak (this 18 year old kid who works in the internet

At beach bar I ran into Tony, Vanessa and Andrew per usual, but it was Vanessa’s 21st b-day so she wasn’t working. Instead, she was incredibly drunk, but I think it made her a bit more friendly which was good. Earlier in the day she’d bitten my head off about something very trivial, and last night she was all: “I really like you - you’re a really cool girl - and I’m not a girl person, I’m a guy person because I always played sports.”

Gabriel ended up going elsewhere to find the others from before and I stayed with the three of them. Half way through the night a girl noticed that I was missing an earring (one of my new Greek ones) and I was so upset. Everyone started searching the floor for me and even touching the really gross, wet, dirty floor looking for it. About an hour later one of the bar managers found it and gave it to Zak to give to me. It was only a little bent out of shape and I fixed it - thank goodness! I’m sick of losing stuff.
By 3 am, Tony, Vanessa, Andrew and I were the only people still dancing (though Tony was furious because the DJ was pretty terrible). I was really tired so Tony was going to walk me home, but some rather sketchy characters came into the bar and were talking to Vanessa, and Tony didn’t want to leave without knowing that Andrew was okay to get her home. Finally, we all left together at 3:30, with Vanessa in her 4 inch heels swaying dangerously down the street as Andrew held onto her and Tony and I were on guard to catch her if she fell. On the way we passed a very dark stretch of beach and I noticed the moon - it was Halloween orange and a crescent shape, hovering right over the water an casting an orangey glow all the way to the shore. The stars too were so brilliant it was breathtaking. I missed stars and the moon in London. Tony says the moon is like that but full and HUGE in August - looking like a planet from the Star Wars movies that is so close you feel like you can reach out and pluck it from the sky. Wish I could see that moon!

After showering and everything I ended up not getting in bed until after 4, so I slept today until 12:30. Lol Katerina (the wife of John - I.e. the partial owner of the hotel) said she’d do my laundry today for 5 euro, so I got up just long enough to bring it to her at 10 am.
Now I think I’m going to go down to the beach and read. It’s overcast today so it’s too cold for swimming, but laying around shouldn’t be too bad. I found wireless at this youth hostel by the beach and I'm sitting in their lobby pretending I'm staying here. lol Will write more later if anything exciting happens.

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