Well...let's see. I guess I'll start at Thursday night. All of us went to the club at the ULU at about 10:30 (apparently a lot of bars/clubs close at midnight here - in the states things don't get going until about 11). Anyway, it was Guitar Hero night at the ULU and the people who got up and played were just terrible and besides those few people, it was pretty dead. We were a bit shocked because Thursday nights are big going out nights in Chapel Hill. There were 2 British blokes sitting at the end of our table and one of the girls started talking to them and they offered to walk us to another pub that might be more happening. The 2 guys (Nick and Nat) were about to start film school and law school respectively and both went to Eton for undergrad (which is quite a good school in London).
The pub we went to had 2 floors, but the upstairs was too crowded for all 10 of us, so we went downstairs where there was a live Turkish or Brazilian band playing drums and such. It was a really neat cultural experience, but some of the group were a bit weirded out by the pub (it was hundreds of years old and quite cramped and authentic - we were the only Americans), so everyone except Olivia and I left. I was having a good time just knowing I was experiencing something really authentic - last time I was here I felt like I only did touristy stuff, so this time I want immersion.

After a while the live band stopped and then some salsa/bachata music came on which was cool, except I had no one to dance with :( However, I chatted with the bartender woman who was Brazilian and very nice and Olivia and I talked with the two British guys and learned about British law schools (quite bad - not at all like America) and British music and all sorts of random cultural things. When that part of the bar closed we went upstairs where they played 50s and 60s music - apparently that was/is really big here. I thought it was quite amusing because while I knew these songs (thanks to my parents) most people my age from America would not know/like those types of songs - yet these two guys were rocking out to them. It's really amazing how much of our music they listen to. Anyway, it was a good time and Olivia and I didn't get home till about 1:40.
Yesterday (Friday) I went to the ULU again, but this time for lunch (their food is subsidized so it's cheaper than other places) and read Picture of Dorian Gray for a while. Then I came back to the flat and watched back episodes of my shows (Brothers and Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate) - eventful, I know, but it was a lazy day because the weather was YUCK. Last night everyone went back to the ULU because it is supposed to be happening on Fridays - but I didn't go because I can't really go out 2 nights in a row and still be coherent. I think I'll go salsa dancing tonight - I'm so excited! :)

Today I went to Notting Hill with Ashley - everyone else went earlier (though I don't know how they got up so early after being out so late. lol I just need too much sleep!). The two of us walked all the way up and down Portobello Road where they have a huge outdoor flea market. I bought blueberries and raspberries since the prices are so much better than at the grocery store. Other than that we just browsed all the stalls - Ashley and I decided if we have money left at the end we'll go back and buy things lol. They have everything from clothes, accessories, antiques, coasters, etc. etc.

It was BEAUTIFUL weather today - sunny, blue skies, fluffy white clouds. It was such a wonderful day to go to Portobello Market. Not until our way back to the flat did it start really getting chilly and grayer. Of course since it gets dark at 4:15...I guess it makes sense that it starts getting colder and such at 3:30.

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