On Thursday I went to a jewelry auction for my
Friday I caught up on my TV shows online until I met Tommy and Nate at the train station (where they had just arrived from Scotland, having taken the ferry over from Ireland). I figured out where their hotel was and guided them there via tube - they both said they never would have made it above ground again if it weren't for me. lol (It's really not that hard, you just have to read signs, and considering they'd gotten about 3 hours sleep, that may have been a challenge).
Their hotel was right near St. Paul's Cathedral, which was perfect because I'd done a little research about the best pub to take them for dinner, and I remembered a pub I'd gone to last time I was in London. It's called Ye Old Cheshire Cheese and is one of the oldest pubs in London (rebuilt in 1667 after the Great Fire). The pub was literally 3 blocks from their hotel, so after dropping their stuff, we walked there (as they were starving). The pub was way cooler than I'd remembered. It is an absolute maze of nooks and crannies, with 2 restaurants, and 2 or 3 bars that serve pub food. It is at least 4 stories high, with creaking steps, doorways you have to duck under, and no right angles in the place. It is just lovely! Even the tables and benches look as though they are from the 1600s.
We decided to have "pub food" as it was much cheaper. I got chicken and mushroom pie (like a chicken pot pie but with only chicken, mushrooms, and a type of gravy inside) and it came with beans similar to Lima beans and chips (fries) all for about 5 pounds. I was taking a chance getting that because I'm not really big on mushrooms, but Oh My Gosh was it good!! I ate it all in about 10 seconds. Tommy got a wonderful looking chicken salad and Nate got calamari and soup.
After that I took them on a walking tour of London by night. We walked along the North Bank of the Thames. It was a beautiful night and the London Eye, Big Ben, and all the buildings were lit up. We walked to Trafalgar Square and I stopped in the National Gallery right as it was closing to use the rest room, then we walked back to my flat so they could see that area of town. It was a LONG night of walking. lol
On Saturday Tommy and I had brunch at a pub close to his hotel (a full English breakfast which means eggs, sausage, ham, beans and toast). I only ate the eggs, toast, and some beans. The old bar tender asked me "did you eat all your food" and I sort of blushed and said "everything but the meat" and he said "do you not like our English bacon? (that's ham)" and I said, "well, I don't eat much meat even in America." I was so red at this point and thankfully we'd finished paying so we could leave. We then went to St. Paul's Cathedral to try to climb to the top, but it was 11 pounds for an adult and 8.50 for a student, which was a lot of money and the line was long and we didn't have much time, so we left. We then walked to the South Bank of the Thames and (very briskly) walked to Borough Market where we had scones. Then we power walked back in order to catch the train to Tottenham Spurs Stadium to go see a football (soccer) match.
It was a 23 minute train ride and the train was packed - everyone going to the stadium. When we arrived it was a crazy bustle as everyone gathered their stuff and got off the train, all walking in the same direction. Tommy and I had to pick up the tickets from a friend of Tommy's friend at the Irish Centre which was very close to the train station. When we got there I used the rest room and then we met the guy who bought Tommy a pint as we all chatted. We left for the stadium about 40 minutes before the game started, and when we were almost half way there, I realized I did not have my purse. It is a little Vera Bradly wrist purse that just fits my wallet and my oyster card (tube pass). I started to freak out, and we walked back to the Irish Centre very quickly, with me rushing into the bathroom. It was not there. Tommy checked at the bar, but nothing had been turned in. At this point I was sitting on the floor crying, and random guys were looking at me and saying "don't cry, don't cry" as they walked by.
Then, thinking about it, I realized that I didn't remember having it in the bathroom at all, but knew I had it on the train. We went to the train station and of course nothing had been turned in, but he called the last stop on the line to see if anything had been found. No. So we filed a report, and if it turns up they should be able to contact me. It was really sickening because not only did it have my only credit card, one of my debit cards, and my international student card (my only form of ID other than my passport) but I had about 76 pounds in there (having recently gone to get money from the ATM) and my oyster card had at least 10 pounds on it. Not to mention that I loved that leather wallet and the purse. I think perhaps that wallet is just bad luck, considering it is the one that was stolen last time I was in London (and found later in a trashcan and returned to me).
Anyway, I called mom and dad from my cell phone and asked them to cancel my cards, but since there was nothing else I could do, I told Tommy we should just go to the game.
We had 4th row seats and a great view! Even though I don't follow sports, it was really interesting and the match held my attention. The Spurs won (which Tommy was happy about) and we left a few minutes before it ended to take the train back. Thankfully I'd put our train tickets in my book bag and not my wrist purse. When we got to the main station in London we checked with the lost luggage people and made sure everything had been done, so now I have a million phone numbers I can call and check the status of my purse, but I have a bad feeling it is gone. Especially since that area of town wasn't great.
We went for dinner at Benito's Hat (the burrito place that my flatmates love so much) and it was really good. Tommy had to buy me everything (including a new tube pass) since I had no money, which was really sweet of him.
On Sunday we had lunch at this place called "make mine" and I had tuna fish on a bagel which was yummy. Then we went to the shopping district (Oxford Street) where Tommy had a great time in Sports Direct (the soccer jerseys and cleats etc are much cheaper here) and where he bought some souvenirs and he got me a Oxford University shirt for 5 pounds from a street vendor (much cheaper than the ones in Oxford).
We then went to a pub for dinner (I had lamb meatballs with tzaiki sauce and flatbread) and Tommy could watch a soccer game he wanted to catch the end of. I left after I ate to pack a bag for him to take back to the US with him, and met him at a different pub where we sat and talked and had garlic bread.
This morning I went with him on the tube to the airport to say goodbye, and have spent the rest of the day reading and watching some TV shows online. Tomorrow I think I will go to Brighton or a town near there. I'm excited. This weekend I think some of my flatmates and I will go to Edinburgh which should be fun!
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