On Wednesday I had class and a Shakespeare test, so Krystle and Stephen went and explored on their own. They ended up at Harrods and other shops, which Krystle loved. Then they met me after my class (I think I rocked that Shakespeare test) and we had a quick dinner at a little sandwich shop before my WWII class. I got a paper back in that class which I got an A on :).
Thursday I had to go to the Victoria and Albert Museum for art class, so Stephen and Krystle came and I left them and we met after my class. They looked around the V&A a bit, and then Krystle went shopping some more. lol She is a big fan of Harrods. After class we went back to the jewelry section of the V&A (it is like the jewelry in the National Museum in DC), then walked to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch. It was good (I had a burger and side salad) but it was expensive (mine was 9.50 pounds and it was the cheapest thing on the

From there we went back to the flat and chilled out until I went to go see King Lear. It was FOUR hours long, but really well done. I had to explain what was going on to the kids next to me who were from a boarding HS in America. They were very grateful. lol
Today Krystle, Stephen, and I went to borough market for lunch and then I went to the Tate Modern while they went to St. Paul's (since it was closing early and I didn't want to pay to go there again). They met me back at the flat and I made a spaghetti dinner and we had more birthday cake. It was good.

Tomorrow they leave for the US again and I'm going to Ireland, so I prob. won't be able to update the blog for several days.
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