On Friday Stephanie had an early class, but she let me sleep in and then I went out when she got back at 11. First I walked to the Voksoper which is the smaller opera house. I asked about student tickets and they said to come 30 minutes beforehand and I could get the best that was left for 10 euros This was for the My Fair Lady musical. From there I took the metro to the center of the city - Stephensplatz. That is where the huge cathedral, St. Stephan’s Dom is located. I went inside that, but I just hovered near the entrance
because I had a skirt that showed my knees and a sleeveless top on. No one yelled at me though, and Stephanie said later, “This is Austria, not Italy, you could have gone all the way in.” lol
After that I walked to the big opera house and asked about the opera for the next evening, which was Techovski symphony and an opera with famous singers. They said the same thing as the Volksoper - come the next day 30 minutes before and you can get whatever is left for 10 euros. However, you can also get standing seats for 3 euros. Stephanie, Eva, and I had talked about going to see that on Saturday night, so I was just gathering information. From there I walked by many of the buildings we’d walked by the night before, like the famous white horse stables, the capitol building, the rathaus, etc. I stopped for a frankfurter (hotdog in a huge bun) and ate in the park behind the national library. From there the Volksgaten was close, and I was so impressed with the flowers there! Every kind of rose imaginable was on show and they smelled so wonderful! They even had roses of a dusty purple color, which I don’t
think I’d ever seen before. From there I found the metro and took it up to another place that Stephanie marked on the map for me and said had the best ice cream. I got banana, mango, and chocolate chip. :) I sat on a bench to eat, and then I laid down on it, soaking up the wonderful warm rays of sun.
At 3:15 I went back to the flat to meet Stephanie before she had to go to class at 4, but Eva answered the door. She said Steph wasn’t feeling well, so she was going to go to class for her and Stephanie was going to sleep. This way I didn’t have a time restraint for getting out the door, so I sat around checking the computer and then got ready for the musical. I had posted a message on the Vienna group asking if anyone wanted to go to the play with me, and I got a call right before I left from a guy named Marik who said he’d meet me there.
I was able to get 2 tickets for the student price of 10 euros. He was a nice man from Albania or Armenia or one of those countries, but he had lived in France and now Vienna for the past five years. We got seats in the boxes at the side of the stage where you always see the rich people sitting in the movies. I’d never sat in a box like that before, so it was pretty cool and we were quite close. Marik was in the box next to mine, and in my box there was a woman and her 2 little girls. They were so cute! The mother spoke English, having studied in Minnesota for a year, but the girls didn’t know any English yet. I so wished they did because they were such adorable little
girls and I wanted to talk to them. (They were 6 and 8). I quickly found out that the musical was entirely in German with no subtitles, so thankfully I’d seen the movie and generally understood what was going on. However, I missed most of the jokes. When I really wanted to know what was said, I would ask the woman in the box with me and she would translate. Despite not knowing exactly what was being said, I still really enjoyed it. The singing, acting, and set were all wonderful.
Afterward, Marik and I wentt to the top of this nearby hill where you have a perfect view of all of Vienna lit by night. It was very pretty. After that I went back to Stephanie’s. She was feeling better and studying for the test she had on Saturday morning. Can you believe that? Class on Saturdays! She is a French and English major and her test was in French. I was so exhausted, so I took a shower, and uploaded some pics on face book, then went to bed. However, somehow it was still 1:30 by the time I got to bed. One thing
is for sure though - I never have problems falling asleep anymore. I pass out almost as soon as I lay my head on the pillow.
Stephanie left me the keys the next morning, and I agreed to be back in the flat by 2:15 when she would return to let her in. I woke up at 11 and got ready slowly, which was nice. Finally, I went back to Stephansplatz and climbed to the top of St. Stephan’s Dom. From the top you can see most of Vienna; however, you can’t actually go outside on the top because of construction - only look out windows from an observation tower. That was sad. I got more ice cream on the way back (banana and chocolate this time).
I was back at the flat when Stephanie arrived home. She made a wonderful lunch of whole grain pasta with a sauce that had zucchini, mozerella, and tomatoes. We also had salad. After lunch we went to the train station so I could buy my reservation for my train to Prague on Sunday, and then we went to the palace that used to be the summer residence of the emperors. Actually going inside the palace was expensive, but we walked around the gardens, which were lovely. It reminded me aa lot of Hampton Court Palace outside London.
At 6:30 we met Eva at the big opera house and bought standing tickets for 3 euros each. The opera was in Russian, but each seat, even the standing ones, have little fold down computer screens that have the subtitles in whatever language you select. The orchestra and the opera
singers were really amazing. The story was pretty good as well. We anticipated leaving early, but ended up staying for the whole three hours.
Stephanie likes ice cream as much as I do, so afterward she wanted to get some. Of course I had to get some too if we just happened to be there again. Haha I got “cookies” and strawberry this time. I had a ham, lettuce, and tomato sandwich for dinner during the break at the opera.
This morning we slept in until 10, and then Stephanie made a traditional Austrian breakfast which was sort of like pieces of pancakes that you eat with fruit compote (we had plums, but you can also use apples etc). It was really yummy! I caught a tram at noon to the train station, and now am on my way to Prague where I will stay with a girl named Anna.

After that I walked to the big opera house and asked about the opera for the next evening, which was Techovski symphony and an opera with famous singers. They said the same thing as the Volksoper - come the next day 30 minutes before and you can get whatever is left for 10 euros. However, you can also get standing seats for 3 euros. Stephanie, Eva, and I had talked about going to see that on Saturday night, so I was just gathering information. From there I walked by many of the buildings we’d walked by the night before, like the famous white horse stables, the capitol building, the rathaus, etc. I stopped for a frankfurter (hotdog in a huge bun) and ate in the park behind the national library. From there the Volksgaten was close, and I was so impressed with the flowers there! Every kind of rose imaginable was on show and they smelled so wonderful! They even had roses of a dusty purple color, which I don’t

At 3:15 I went back to the flat to meet Stephanie before she had to go to class at 4, but Eva answered the door. She said Steph wasn’t feeling well, so she was going to go to class for her and Stephanie was going to sleep. This way I didn’t have a time restraint for getting out the door, so I sat around checking the computer and then got ready for the musical. I had posted a message on the Vienna group asking if anyone wanted to go to the play with me, and I got a call right before I left from a guy named Marik who said he’d meet me there.
I was able to get 2 tickets for the student price of 10 euros. He was a nice man from Albania or Armenia or one of those countries, but he had lived in France and now Vienna for the past five years. We got seats in the boxes at the side of the stage where you always see the rich people sitting in the movies. I’d never sat in a box like that before, so it was pretty cool and we were quite close. Marik was in the box next to mine, and in my box there was a woman and her 2 little girls. They were so cute! The mother spoke English, having studied in Minnesota for a year, but the girls didn’t know any English yet. I so wished they did because they were such adorable little

Afterward, Marik and I wentt to the top of this nearby hill where you have a perfect view of all of Vienna lit by night. It was very pretty. After that I went back to Stephanie’s. She was feeling better and studying for the test she had on Saturday morning. Can you believe that? Class on Saturdays! She is a French and English major and her test was in French. I was so exhausted, so I took a shower, and uploaded some pics on face book, then went to bed. However, somehow it was still 1:30 by the time I got to bed. One thing

Stephanie left me the keys the next morning, and I agreed to be back in the flat by 2:15 when she would return to let her in. I woke up at 11 and got ready slowly, which was nice. Finally, I went back to Stephansplatz and climbed to the top of St. Stephan’s Dom. From the top you can see most of Vienna; however, you can’t actually go outside on the top because of construction - only look out windows from an observation tower. That was sad. I got more ice cream on the way back (banana and chocolate this time).

I was back at the flat when Stephanie arrived home. She made a wonderful lunch of whole grain pasta with a sauce that had zucchini, mozerella, and tomatoes. We also had salad. After lunch we went to the train station so I could buy my reservation for my train to Prague on Sunday, and then we went to the palace that used to be the summer residence of the emperors. Actually going inside the palace was expensive, but we walked around the gardens, which were lovely. It reminded me aa lot of Hampton Court Palace outside London.
At 6:30 we met Eva at the big opera house and bought standing tickets for 3 euros each. The opera was in Russian, but each seat, even the standing ones, have little fold down computer screens that have the subtitles in whatever language you select. The orchestra and the opera

Stephanie likes ice cream as much as I do, so afterward she wanted to get some. Of course I had to get some too if we just happened to be there again. Haha I got “cookies” and strawberry this time. I had a ham, lettuce, and tomato sandwich for dinner during the break at the opera.
This morning we slept in until 10, and then Stephanie made a traditional Austrian breakfast which was sort of like pieces of pancakes that you eat with fruit compote (we had plums, but you can also use apples etc). It was really yummy! I caught a tram at noon to the train station, and now am on my way to Prague where I will stay with a girl named Anna.

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