Our first night in Paris our host Sophie cooked pasta for us and then walked us around her area - by Notre Dame and through the Jewish quarter and past the city hall. It was a really lovely night and we enjoyed her company. She was a bit sad because of a recent breakup, so I like to think we made her day a bit brighter.
We went to bed fairly early and the next morning we figured out how to walk to the Musee D’Orsay. We got a little lost on the way, but a nice French man who could tell we were confused just by looking at us pointed out the way. We walked past the Louvre and could see the Eiffel and the Arc

Orsay is situated in a converted train station that is absolutely beautiful. It has a huge clock inside and out and beautiful ceilings. They also hold the best impressionist art collection I’ve ever seen. Monet, Manet, Rousseau, Degas, Van Gogh, Sarat, Pissaro and many more! This is the home of Van Gogh’s Starry Night but unfortunately it was on loan. I was very disappointed. Also, you were allowed to take photos in this museum, so I got some really good ones of some of the famous works.
After the museum it was raining out, so we went to a café near the Louvre for lunch. The waiter had a crush on Lieselotte and afterward gave us his number and asked if we wanted to go to a jazz bar with he and his friend that night. We said maybe, but never ended up meeting up.
When we

After we left Amine we met back at Sophie’s apartment at 6:30 planning

We left Blandine’s around 10:45 and took a bus through the lit up city until we got to the river. From there we walked along the river taking pictures of the beautiful sights until it started to rain, then we walked to the jazz district and found

We slept until 11 on Thursday and then slowly got ready, not leaving until about 2. First we went to the main train station to book tickets to Toulouse for Friday; however, all those trains were completely booked. Not having another choice, and not wanting to be on a train all day to Barcelona, we decided to go to Montpellier instead for a night. It is sad that Lieselotte won’t get to see her cousins who live in Toulouse, but it couldn’t be helped and Montpellier is supposed to be beautiful. Figuring all this out took a very long time, and by the time we were done we went

We met her in front of the Sacre Coeur (which is a huge church on top of a hill that overlooks Paris in Monmatre). The view from the top was amazing and (thank goodness) the weather was sunny, though not hot. When we got there we listened to some singer/guitar players playing Wish You Were Here and then we went into the church and looked around. Back outside there was a violinist who was so amazing! Lies gave him money and I took a picture of her sitting next to him. While we waited for Jessica we listened to him play while we looked out over Paris and watched a newly married couple pose for photos. It was really wonderful.
Jessica had worked with Lies at Benetton and also graduated from UNC. She was very nice and we walked around the area

Dinner was amazing! It was some sort of rice dish with tomatoes, sausage, mushrooms, green peppers, and beans. He also made a salad of avocado, cream cheese, tomato, tuna, green pepper and some sort of olive oil or pesto sauce. For dessert we had a parfait of fruit, chocolate mousse, cream cheese, and fruity yogurt. Everything was absolutely amazing!! He doesn’t even use recipes either - everything is just invention. Wish I could cook like that!

We left at 10:45 and enjoyed the metro ride back very much. The new metros have a glass shield on the front and if you sit up there you can see the lights pass by as you are inside the dark tunnel and in some spots even feel wind on your face. It is so cool! I said it felt like an EPCOT ride, and so on the way back we sat there with our faces up against the glass. I tried to restrain myself from making vroom vroom sounds. :)
As we transferred metro lines on the way back to Sophie’s, we were on a very long moving walkway (it was a big station). All of a sudden I hear Lieselotte behind me whisper in my ear “That guy just grabbed my butt!” She wasn’t sure if he was trying to get money out of her back pocket or what. I looked at him and he was a really creepy looking man, probably homeless, who kept reaching out for Lies, and then started coming toward me. There were other people on the moving walkway, but it was still a creepy. We started walking faster and he was following us and Lies was saying, “Si vous ple, No!” By the end we were seriously speed walking and got off and

Back at Sophie’s we packed up and got ready for bed, but we had to set our alarm for 5:30 am because our train left for Montpellier this morning at 6:57 am. EW!
Now we are in Lyon waiting for our connecting train to Montpellier. I slept very little on the first train so I am very tired. We haven’t heard anything about CSing in Montpellier yet, so hopefully we’ll be able to find a hostel when we arrive.

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